
We have been busy!

It’s always hard to blow your own trumpet, but we’ve been busy working on a whole host of exciting new projects in the Boom office and studio, and we felt we’d like to share some of this recent work with you all. So, here are five of the clients we have been working on over the last few weeks. Some are new client wins, while some are expanding the services they use with us, just as we are expanding our own services and offerings.

The King’s Royal Hussars  

We have been working closely with this military regiment, to streamline all of their communication channels, talking to association members, as well as possible recruits. We are in the early stages of phase 2 of our ongoing project, which includes social media, email marketing, digital PR, web build and search engine optimisation.


Barnstaple Future High Street Fund 

Everyone has something to say when it comes to money being spent by local authorities in the local area. North Devon Council successfully bid and won funding for multi-million-pound transformation projects in Barnstaple town centre.  We are proud to have been chosen to design the branding and usage guidelines for these projects. We live and work in the town, and we appreciate its unique history, we can’t really say too much yet, but watch this space…  


Nature’s Way  

We were challenged by the owner of this fantastic natural dog food company, challenged to grow business in a cluttered dog food market. Our team of strategists pulled together a multi-touchpoint media strategy, including social and search engine marketing, brand new website, and spanking new branding. We’re about to launch the new website, we’ve attached the URL below so you will be some of the first to see it all. We have gone all out for this client; working on a paid-on-performance model so we only get paid when our client does too!


The Yarn Ball  

A lovely couple running a fantastic niche business in Barnstaple, with visions of grandeur that we are hoping to implement for them. Yarn, wool, crochet classes to boot, they offer something truly unique, and their social channel has a great following. We’ve been working on search engine marketing (SEO/PPC) and now looking on a new web build, another ‘watch this space’!


The Carlton Ilfracombe   

What don’t we do for the Carlton Hotel in Ilfracombe? Or the amazing Brasserie at the Carlton? Not a lot… Check out their fantastic bespoke website, launched earlier in the year, ranking number 1 on Google for Generic ‘shooting holiday’ terms. We offer our full range of services to this boutique hotel; creative design, social media management (paid and organic), multi-channel marketing strategy, PPC, SEO, web design, media planning and buying, detailed analytics and even leaflet distribution. We work closely with the Carlton team and offer every service they could need. Christmas is coming and we highly recommend you all head to the Brasserie for some amazing food or maybe choose them for a Christmas Party night, you won’t be disappointed!


What else are we up to? 

We’re running a fantastic competition! Our Facebook followers have the chance to win a logo and branding package. 

Our fantastic prize includes logo creation or re-design, business cards designed and printed, social media design pack, and 1,000 printed leaflets. Check our other blog for more information and all Ts & Cs. 
